Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Oh, dear food blog, how I have indeed neglected thee. Since school finished for the semester, there has been little excuse besides my laziness. Except that I lost my appetite for a period of a few weeks. This often happens to me when the weather begins to warm (and warm it did, with a number of 90+ degree days here!); I simply don't have the desire to eat, much less cook. But my appetite has finally returned, though I've gotten out of the habit of taking photos of my fare.

I also seem to have lost a number of photos in the abyss. I know I had pictures of when I made fiddleheads, as well as of the black eyed pea and quinoa croquettes from Vegan With a Vengeance. I like those a lot, especially with a mushroom gravy. It made everyone at work jealous. I'm sure I'll make them again, and hopefully will take pictures.

In the meantime, I went to the Candle Cafe in NYC with some friends last week, and here is what we ate (all vegan!):
my Indian Plate special - so so... I should know better than to get Indian food at a non-Indian restaurant
The Paradise casserole (I think that's what it was) - sweet potatoes, black beans and millet, very tastyThe spicy Cuban sandwich (wasn't mine and I didn't get to try it)
You can also see that it only occurred to me to take pictures well after we started eating, and I didn't even manage to take pictures of our dessert. I also gobbled up a chocolate peanutbutter rice milk & soy ice cream smoothie ::drool::

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