I'm terrible at writing titles for these posts. Anyway, I have neglected this blog for over 6 months now. Life has been busy, crazy, all those things that distract you from blogging. I have intermittently been taking pictures of my food, so without further adieu...

After having an amazing veggie burger with teriyaki sauce & grilled pineapple in Maui last summer, I decided to try something similar at home. Here I used my go-to Chickpea Cutlets from Veganomican, some delicious teriyaki, and fresh pineapple that I grilled myself. Of course, anything with pineapple is probably delicious, as you'd expect, but I really enjoyed this.

I had leftover pineapple, and I remembered once having pineapple mushroom pizza and liking it. So, I made it happen, with a whole wheat crust & FYH vegan mozz. Yum. I actually made 2 of these, all for myself, bwahahahaha.
Lentil Sloppy Joes. No idea where I got the recipe from. They were very tasty, even if I did overcook the lentils a bit. No biggie, I still ate these for lunch for basically a whole week.
Cauliflower, peas, peppers & soy curls in some kind of Indian sauce I made (I forget! this was ages ago!) over jasmine rice. Yummmmmmmm.

I believe this was vanilla poundcake with a lime glaze from... Veganomicon? I made it twice, it was tasty-licious!
This is one of my favorite dishes EVER! I actually make it quite often. It's from Eat, Drink & Be Vegan, and while I forget the exact name, it's something like Polenta bake. It's just so easy and delicious and I never tire of it.

Hm. I don't quite remember what this was. I do recall thinking everything looked very pretty all chopped up, and I remember eating it (vaguely). Maybe Pineapple Cashew Stir fry? As you can see, I went on a huge pineapple kick. Okay fine, when am I NOT on a pineapple kick...

No clue what exactly this is... whole wheat pasta & peas in... vegan alfredo sauce? That's my guess at least.
And now, for my most recent dish, which was absolutely delish...

Roasted Eggplant and Tomato Gratin, adapted from a NYT recipe that was featured in their series on eggplant recently. Really I just subbed a bunch of nutritional yeast for the parmesan cheese. I am sad that I only have 1 serving left, but I will definitely be making this again. I'm sure it didn't hurt that I used eggplant and tomatoes from my CSA share, and homemade breadcrumbs, either. I'm going to go eat more of this right now!!!